Page 51 - วารสารแสงธรรม เล่ม 10
P. 51

50  แสงพระธรรม กรกฎาคม 2564 ถึง มิถุนายน 2565

                                                                           LIGHT OF SIAM

              Monuments of the Buddha in Siam(#1)

              Prince Damrong Rajanubhab
              Translated to English : Sulak Sivaraksa and A.B. Griswold

              Part One                                   made in India for worship before images
              Buddhism in Siam                           of the Buddha came into existence, and

              How long ago was Buddhism intro-           the language of the religious inscriptions
              duced into Siam?  Some believe it was  is Pali. There are also traces of other re-
              introduced when the Emperor Asoka sent  ligious practices which preceded the in-
              missionaries to various country  ; others  troduction of images of the Buddha, such
              believe it was introduced much later.      as making copied of the Buddha’s throne
                   From archaeological remains and  and of his Footprints as objects of wor-
              historical evidence it is clear that Bud-  ship. All these show that the Buddhism
              dhism was established in Siam when the  which was first established in Siam was
              Lao (or Lawa) had their capital at Nagara  of the Theravada school, not unlike that
              Pathama, which was then known as  which was propagated in various country
              Dvaravati , Buddhist monument such as  by command of the Emperor Asoka. We
              the Pathamacetiya are the main evidence  may conclude that Buddhism was intro-
              for this, while the monuments of various  duced into Siam before 500 B.E.  and has
              styles elsewhere in Siam show that dif-    flourished here ever since.
              ferent schools of Buddhism were intro-     Later on when the Indians began making
              duced later. Four periods may be con-      images of the Buddha they introduced
              sidered.                                   their style of images into Siam. Some of
                                                         the earliest types of image found in this
              First period: the Theravada school of  country, such as those of the Buddha
              the Hinayana 3                             seated in the ‘European’ fashion, are
                   The Buddhism was established in  modeled after those made in Magadha
              Siam when Nagara Pathama was the  in Northern India around 900 B.E. (about
              capital may be deduced from the ar-        450 A.D.) when the Gupta dynasty was at
              chaeological remains found at the  its height, which is further evidence that
              Pathamacetiya there. These include  the Indians who first preached Buddhism
              stone Wheels of the doctrine of the sort  in Siam came from Magadha. At that time
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