Page 69 - วารสารแสงธรรม เล่ม 9
P. 69
68 แสงพระธรรม กรกฎาคม 2563 ถึง มิถุนายน 2564
bright light of morning and welcome anyone
that wishes to witness the act. Western
mediums prefer closed rooms dimly lit with
very few people present. Both cultures ask
similar questions of the spirits, things such as,
future illnesses, relationships, pending good or
bad fortune, travel, career choices, etc. In the
west, mediums are paid on an hourly basis.
Payments are made after answering the
questions and are not referred to as “fortune
telling” but delivering guidance and warnings.
Western mediums might even accept payment England; in the aftermath of war and loss, people
by EFTPOS. were ready to believe in these mediums that claim
that they can contact the missing and dead
Thai people in the south call it “catch- soldiers.
down” when referring to the period when the
medium is channeling the ghost. Once the
medium comes out of being in a catch-down, than fifteen people watch on and even,
he generally has no recollection of what has sometimes nearly a hundred people can look
been said. Catch-down may even occur on. In the west, mediums may contact you
without invitation but the person who sought without being asked to and the ghost may
out the medium’s help may ask where they speak to you through a third party. In places
came from? Why did you come? Can you like Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore only the
dispel suffering? The medium becomes aware body of the medium is used. Also in the west,
again, when the person inviting them, gently medium-style spectators sit in a circle, usually
slaps their legs and it is at this time, that the at a table and often hold hands. In Europe and
medium will change from a cross-legged America, “breaking the circle” or leaving the
position to lying down and a feeling of room is to disturb the medium and contact
exhaustion. Catching down, also known as with the ghost is lost. Likewise, standing to
“downhill diving”, is often used to find lost watch, will not allow a connection with the
items or cures for illnesses. spirit. In the event in Thailand people sit,
In Thailand, there are no people who usually on the floor and often leave the room,
claim to sit cross legged in meditation and be sometimes they stand as they watch on.
able leap a foot, or a meter high into the air. An assembly in Thailand would not
Unlike those from Chinese and Indian temples. normally exceed an hour. In Europe and
In Washington D.C. there was a “jump race” in America though, they can last up to three
the cross-legged position, promoted as the hours and more. Many of the attendees can
flying Yogis. People performing these displays have summoned up a spirit. Attendees have
spend a long time developing the leg muscles reported “feeling” ghosts touching their arms
to be able to achieve this. or faces and that the spirit is amongst them.
In the West, it was noted by Psychic Some assemblies may last an entire day,
Research Association, that the medium’s body depending on the amount of spirits
temperature decreased during the period that summoned and the length of interaction with
the ghost was speaking. There has been no each entity.
research in Thailand like this. In the West, In the 1800’s, mediums had their hands
there is rarely more than ten people in a room and legs tied to guard against “cheating” and
during the performance. In Thailand the people being swindled out of their money.
medium performs in an open area with just a In times past, local heads of
roof overhead. There is no limit to the number government would call upon mediums to ask
of people that may bear witness. Usually more the ghosts for guidance, before making major