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68  แสงพระธรรม กรกฎาคม 2564 ถึง มิถุนายน 2565                                                                                                                The Light of Dharma July 2021 – June 2022  69

              the audience must pay to attend the  introduce His Highness Lao Pi and Guan                                    ceremony more acceptable nonetheless  sometimes and may referred to as the
              ritual by providing the incense, candles,  Yu as well. As the author, I still haven’t                          some mediums use the word Khan. There  archangel, spirit guide, joy guide,
              flowers and Oil filled lamps. They also  found who plays the role of “Zhuge                                    was a young Christian woman, who while  doorkeeper, etc.
              need to make merit at temples, as well  Liang”, a key character of the opera. If it                            viewing the reception of Khan, had a            In America, it has been discovered
              as building schools and offering robes  is a Thai medium then they will be                                     bowl placed on her head by one of those  that the Medium is able to change their
              and alms to the Monks. Most of the  dressed in ancient costumes, wearing a                                     receiving Khan. She physically refused  voice during the ritual whilst performing
              money earned is for improvements such  loincloth with a golden belt ensuring the                               and stated that she did not want to be  in a hypnotic state. Seemingly acting
              as, more buildings and adding more  medium is unique. In England and                                           hypnotized or placed into a trance. She  without emotion and using a voice as
              rooms.                                     America, the body is usually covered in                             added: to be possessed by spirits may be  if produced by another’s larynx or
                   Mediums practice vegetarianism in  black or dark colors. Yet in Thailand, it is                           true, it is an evil and dangerous truth. In  passing through diseased vocal chords.
              the mornings and on the holy days but  prohibited to wear black clothes as it is                               the west, there is no ceremony to receive  Psychologists believe that the mediums
              in the West there is no record of this  seen as “impure” likewise, during their                                Khan, as is the case in Thailand. The  can hypnotize themself, as anyone in
              practice. Lunch and dinner meals  menstrual cycle, women are also                                              subordinates must participate in this  such situations would perform in this

              usually contain meat. Time to do  prohibited from even watching, for the                                       annual ritual, accepting as a servant every  manner under hypnosis, either heavy or

              meditation and Yom Kippur 8, the day of  same reason.                                                          year, or risk getting physically sick or   moderate. It is generally believed that
              the monk (holy day). The Medium should          To be a medium of the Zhang Hui                                suffering mental health issues.            the medium performs under moderate
              bathe and purify the body and change  in Thailand is similar to that in Taiwan.                                     In Thailand there is an assistant or  hypnosis.
              their clothing before communicating with  Because Gargantuan Show pep often                                    mentor helping the medium. Their role           This writing reminded me of Yhao,
              a spirit. In the case of women, there  raised his face and stroked his mustache.                               would be ensuring the incense and  the ritual of the Thai people for the sick
              would be no communication with the  In Thailand, he likes to speak Chinese                                     candles not to go out, holding a bowl   and unwell.  People (Kaseo) sometimes
              spirits during her menstruation period, as  mixed with Thai and the gods’ language.                            of holy water or as an interpreter to  called Yao or in in Korat district “Lam

              the body is deemed “unclean” during  In the case of an Indian, it is often spoken                              translate the medium’s words for the  Phi-fa”. Yhao are the ones who will
              this time. In England and America there  in a manner similar to Indian and deity                               service recipient if necessary. This  contact the ghost with the Lam poem

              are no such prohibitions.                  languages along with Thai. If they are Thai                         assistant or mentor is often a husband,  and ‘Khan’ using a musical instrument.
                   The Indian mediums dress in local  women tend to speak with a big voice                                   nanny, sister, mother of the Medium. If  Most of the villagers go out farming or
              indigenous style donning a yellow sari for  and loud accent like a man.                                        none are available at the time, a student  fishing to the creek, canal or pond. Now
              women there is a golden hem. With a             Interesting, the ceremony of                                   will act as the assistant. They will speak  this may offend ghosts therefore need to
              necklace on their head and anointing the  receiving the Khan there are five                                    in a low voice, use polite expressions,  consult an astrologer and confirm that
              forehead red colour between the  khans, physical evidence, pity, memory,                                       and perform in a calm manner. In the  the hypnosis required is light and not

              eyebrows, there are two profits as well,  thinking and spirit and is a combination                             west, as far as we know, there are no  deep. A ghost through a medium tells
              during the ritual. If it were a Chinese   of Buddhism and rituals to make it more                              assistant.                                 Yhao, informally.
              style of ritual, for example, at Wat  sacred. During the ceremony of receiving                                      In the West, the Medium and the            Formal acts are performed in Tibet,

              Phanancherng, a Chinese monk would  the Khan, the medium will use rice                                         client trust in the guide sometimes called  usually in the major temples of Tibet
              wear a V-neck shirt, yellow pants and  sprouts, beans, sesame seeds, rice and                                  “Guardian deity” they are the one who  where there is already a medium. But if
              hold a necklace of beads. If they are  fresh flowers as well as three different                                give advice never criticize. They are a  the Dalai Lama were to get sick, then a
              Chinese Medium in Thailand they would  colors of fabric. The medium is the                                     consultant who foretells the future and  State Official known as the Prophecy of
              be dressed like a character from a   teacher who will accept Khan, the one                                     love life who able to turn the viewer into  the State or, State Oracle would perform

              Chinese opera such as Zhang Hui, an  who will hold it. Interestingly, there is no                              a medium. The ancient Greeks also  this ritual.
              honest person wearing black headband  dress rule for receiving Khan but they are                               believed in this. A guide is able to change                 (END)
              and shoes. In addition, they may also  usually dressed in white. Making this                                   a person’s lifestyle if requested,
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