Page 57 - วารสารแสงธรรม เล่ม 9
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             56  แสงพระธรรม กรกฎาคม 2563 ถึง มิถุนายน 2564  แสงพระธรรม กรกฎาคม 2563 ถึง มิถุนายน 2564

                                                                      LIGHT OF PRAYUDH

              Buddhist Economics* (End)

              Phra Brahmagunabhorn (P.A. Payutto)

              In summary, one important point that
              must be stressed is that the economic
              results that we seek are not ends in

              themselves. They are means, and the
              end to which they must lead is the
              development of the quality of life and
              of humanity itself. Consequently, it is   foundations for human development
              the view of Buddhism that economic        and the enhancement of the quality of
              activity and its results must provide the   life. They allow us to realize the

              basis of support for a good and noble     profound: after eating, the peasant
              life one of individual and social         listened to Dhamma and became
              development.                              enlightened. We must ensure that the
                   Buddhism considers economics to      creation of wealth leads to a life in

              be of great significance — this is        which people can be creative, develop
              demonstrated by the Buddha having         their potentials, and endeavor to be
              the peasant eat something before          good and noble. It is in short the
              teaching him. Economists might differ     quality of life that we are talking about.
              as to whether the Buddha’s investment          In Buddhism there is a teaching
              of a 480 kilometer  walk was worth the    called the Three Attha: that is, the

              enlightenment of a single person, but     initial, medium, and ultimate goals of
              the point is that not only is Right       human life. The initial, or basic goal
              Livelihood one of the factors of the      refers to ‘visible benefits,’ of which a
              Eightfold Path, but that hungry people         reasonable economic security is
              cannot appreciate Dhamma. Although        central; but the benefits of the first

              consumption and economic wealth are       Attha have to be coordinated so as to
              important, they are not goals in          assist with the attainment of the two
              themselves, but are merely the            further goals—the medium goal of
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