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60  แสงพระธรรม กรกฎาคม 2563 ถึง มิถุนายน 2564

                                                                 LIGHT OF MOTHERHOOD

              When Covid visited the Globe

              Bhikkhuni Dhammananda

              First of all, we need to all be aware
              and understand the nature of this virus
              known as COVID-19. It spreads via
              secretions and airborne droplets that
              are released while sneezing or
              coughing. We were originally advised to
              leave a distance of one (1) meter
              between others and ourselves.
                   We have learned a lot in the last
              two months. Firstly, our hands are very
              good at harboring the Covid pathogens.
              If we have the infection or have been
              in contact with an infected person or
              even if we have touched a surface with
              the live virus on it, we can easily
              transmit the virus to others simply by
              touching them, or, a common surface.
                   The rate of infection is easily and   “Advice”(Umnart Klanpracha, 2004)
              quickly, doubled.
                   Solution? Simply wash your hands          Important: Alcohol concentration
              and wash them often. But we must  must be 70% or more.
              know how to wash our hands properly.           These habits must become part
              Washing your hands is not simply just  of our everyday life.
              putting your hands under the water.            Today, March 21, we are advised
                   The virus has an oily outer  that we need to increase the distance
              membrane that breaks down with soap.  from others, and ourselves to at least 2
              To ensure that process happens, we  meters.
              need to lather our hands in soap and           Also today, the author is aware
              wash for at least 20 seconds.             that he needs to manage his protection
                   Be sure to rinse well and dry.       from COVID-19 and in doing that, he
                   If you don’t have access to clean  will insure his staff, friends, children,
              water and soap, then use a hand  grandchildren and even great
              sanitizer gel or alcohol spray.           grandchildren, will be protected from
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