Page 58 - วารสารแสงธรรม เล่ม 9
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The Light of Dharma July 2020 – June 2021 5721 57
The Light of Dharma July 2020 – June 20
mental virtues and quality of life, and so cooperate with economics in
and the ultimate goal of complete human development.
inner freedom. In the effort to help The major part of our lives is
achieve these three goals, economics taken up with economic activities. If
must look upon itself as a contributing economics is to have any real part to
factor, one of many interrelated play in the resolution of the problems
branches of knowledge that must facing humanity, then all economic
support each other in the remedying of activities, whether production, working,
human problems. Consequently, an spending or consuming must help to
important task for economics is to find create true well-being and develop the
its points of contact with other potential for a good and noble life. It is
disciplines and discover in which ways something that we are capable of
to best cooperate with them, how best doing. The essence of Buddhist
to distribute the work load. Education economics lies here, in ensuring that
for example could be used to teach economic activity simultaneously
people to recognize true and false enhances the quality of our lives.
values, what is and is not quality of life
*The Thai version of Buddhist Economics was originally a Dhamma Talk given on the auspicious occasion of
Prof. Dr.Puey Ungpakorn’s 72 nd birthday celebration at Thammasat University on 9 March 1988. The English
version is identical to the 1st English edition translated by J.B.Dhammavijaya in 1992.